

Preaching from the Bible alone.

We believe in the absolute authority of the word of God and its ability to provide answers for everything we do in our doctrine and practice.

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
01/11/17 Life Going Well (Deut. 6) Donnie V Rader Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting Life_Going_Well.pptx 06_Life_Going_Well_Deut_6.mp3
01/10/17 The Blame Game (The Victim Mentality) Donnie V Rader Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting The_Blame_Game_-_The_Victim_Mentality.pptx 05_The_Blame_Game_The_Victim_Mentality.mp3
01/09/17 Is One Faith as Good as Another? Donnie V Rader Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting Is_One_Faith_As_Good_As_Another.pptx 04_Is_One_Faith_as_Good_as_Another.mp3
01/09/17 Matthew 18:1-9 - Who is the Greatest? Donnie V Rader Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting Who_Is_The_Greatest__Matt_18.pptx 09_Who_is_the_Greatest.mp3
01/08/17 Sexually Attractive Dress Donnie V Rader Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting Sexually_Attractive_Dress_2017.pptx 03_Sexually_Attractive_Dress.mp3
01/08/17 What is happening to your ox? Donnie V Rader Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting What_is_happening_to_your_ox.ppt 02_What_is_happening_to_your_ox.mp3
01/08/17 Believing God Donnie V Rader Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting Believing_God.pptx 01_Believing_God.mp3
08/05/16 Why not just be spiritual and not religious? Caleb Westbrook Gospel Meeting Postmodernism Gospel Meeting 08_Why_not_just_be_spiritual_and_not_religious.mp3
08/05/16 Moving Standards of Faith Caleb Westbrook Gospel Meeting Postmodernism Gospel Meeting 11_Moving_Standards_of_Faith.mp3
08/04/16 Can you just not judge me? Caleb Westbrook Gospel Meeting Postmodernism Gospel Meeting 07_Can_you_just_not_judge_me.mp3
08/03/16 Should we believe the homosexual and transgender worldview? Caleb Westbrook Gospel Meeting Postmodernism Gospel Meeting 06_Should_we_believe_the_homosexual_and_transgender_worldview.mp3
08/03/16 That's Just Your Judgment! Caleb Westbrook Gospel Meeting Postmodernism Gospel Meeting 10_Thats_Just_Your_Judgment.mp3
08/02/16 Is God Objectively True? Caleb Westbrook Gospel Meeting Postmodernism Gospel Meeting 05_Is_God_Objectively_True.mp3
08/01/16 Does an Absolute Moral Standard Exist? Caleb Westbrook Gospel Meeting Postmodernism Gospel Meeting 04_Does_an_Absolute_Moral_Standard_Exist.mp3
08/01/16 "Well, That's Your Interpretation" Caleb Westbrook Gospel Meeting Postmodernism Gospel Meeting 09_Well_thats_your_interpretation.mp3
07/31/16 Raising Children in a Postmodern World Caleb Westbrook Gospel Meeting Postmodernism Gospel Meeting 02_Raising_Children_in_a_Postmodern_World.mp3
07/31/16 Why Do We Doubt Truth? Caleb Westbrook Gospel Meeting Postmodernism Gospel Meeting 01_Why_Do_We_Doubt_Truth.mp3
07/31/16 Goals and Strategies of Postmodernism Caleb Westbrook Gospel Meeting Postmodernism Gospel Meeting 03_Goals_and_Strategies_of_Postmodernism.mp3
07/10/16 Jonathan_Potential Never Given A Chance Adonis Bailey Sermon N/A Sun PM JONATHAN_POTENTIAL_NEVER_GIVEN__A_CHANCE.mp3
07/10/16 What the Blind Man Saw Adonis Bailey Sermon N/A Sun AM

Displaying 341 - 360 of 729

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