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Displaying 141 - 160 of 217

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
08/07/14 Why All the Confusion Concerning the Holy Spirit? John Isaac Edwards N/A Gospel Meeting 07 Why All the Confusion Concerning the Holy Spirit.mp3
08/06/14 I Believe In Jesus John Isaac Edwards N/A Gospel Meeting 06 I Believe In Jesus.mp3
08/06/14 Let Us Rise Up and Build #2 John Isaac Edwards N/A Gospel Meeting 10 Let Us Rise Up and Build_2.mp3
08/05/14 Why Stop the Chariot? John Isaac Edwards N/A Gospel Meeting 05 Why Stop the Chariot.mp3
08/04/14 When the Day of Pentecost Was Come John Isaac Edwards N/A Gospel Meeting 04 When the day of Pentecost was come.mp3
08/04/14 Let Us Rise Up and Build #1 John Isaac Edwards N/A Gospel Meeting 09 Let Us Rise Up and Build_1.mp3
08/03/14 Is the seed yet in the barn? John Isaac Edwards N/A Sun PM 03 Is the seed yet in the barn.mp3
08/03/14 Is it too much for you? John Isaac Edwards N/A Sun AM 02 Is it too much for you.mp3
08/03/14 What is the church of Christ John Isaac Edwards (none) Sun Bible Study 01 What is the church of Christ.mp3
01/17/14 A Refreshing Friend Wayne Goff N/A Gospel Meeting 7Refreshing.pptx 08 A Refreshing Friend.mp3
01/17/14 Discipleship:Don't Look Back Wayne Goff Discipleship Gospel Meeting 3DontLookBack.ppt 11 Dont Look Back.mp3
01/16/14 Reverence for God Wayne Goff N/A Gospel Meeting 6ReverenceGod.pptx 07 Reverence for God.mp3
01/15/14 Bible Principles on Giving Wayne Goff N/A Gospel Meeting 5BiblePrinciplesGiving.ppt 06 Bible Principles on Giving-1389917363.mp3
01/15/14 Discipleship in the Home Wayne Goff Discipleship Gospel Meeting 2DiscipleHome.pptx 10 Discipleship in the Home.mp3
01/14/14 Self-Control Wayne Goff N/A Gospel Meeting 4Self-Control.ppt 05 Self Control.mp3
01/13/14 How Jesus Instructs the Church Wayne Goff N/A Gospel Meeting 3JesusInstructs.pptx 04 How Jesus Instructs the Church.mp3
01/13/14 Go Make Disciples Wayne Goff Discipleship Gospel Meeting 1GoMakeDisciples.ppt 09 Go Make Disciples.mp3
01/12/14 You Have Need of Endurance Wayne Goff N/A Sun PM 2Endurance.pptx 03 You Have Need of Endurance.mp3
01/12/14 The Fact of Local Church Membership Wayne Goff N/A Sun AM 1responsibilities.ppt 02 The Fact of Local Church Membership.mp3
01/12/14 God of Macro Wayne Goff Gospel Meeting Sun Bible Study 01 God of Macro.mp3 0God_Macro.pptx

Displaying 141 - 160 of 217

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