

Preaching from the Bible alone.

We believe in the absolute authority of the word of God and its ability to provide answers for everything we do in our doctrine and practice.

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
08/16/15 Paul and Silas a (could have been) Case of Discouragement Adonis Bailey Sermon N/A Sun AM Paul_and_Silas_a_could_have_been_Case_of_Discouragement.mp3
08/09/15 Dangers of Distraction Adonis Bailey Sermon N/A Sun PM DANGERS_OF_DISTRACTION.mp3
08/09/15 Saul of Tarsus - A Case of Deception Adonis Bailey Sermon N/A Sun AM SAUL_OF_TARSUS_a_case_of_deception.mp3
08/05/15 Reflections from a Walk Through an Old Graveyard Dempsey Collins Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 07_Reflections_from_Walk_Through_an_Old_Graveyard.mp3
08/05/15 Studies in Genesis #2 Dempsey Collins Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 10_Studies_in_Genesis.mp3
08/04/15 How to Solve Church Family Problems Dempsey Collins Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 06_How_to_Solve_Church_Family_Problems.mp3
08/04/15 Studies in Genesis #1 Dempsey Collins Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 09_Studies_in_Genesis.mp3
08/03/15 Help for Hurting Parents Dempsey Collins Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 05_Help_for_Hurting_Parents.mp3
08/03/15 Jesus in the Old Testament Dempsey Collins Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 08_Studies_in_Genesis.mp3
08/02/15 The Covenant of Marriage Dempsey Collins Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 04_The_Covenant_of_Marriage.mp3
08/02/15 The Prodigal Sons Dempsey Collins Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 03_The_Prodigal_Sons.mp3
08/02/15 God's Eternal Purpose Dempsey Collins Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 02_Gods_Eternal_Purpose.mp3
08/01/15 Overcoming Discouragment Dempsey Collins Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 01_Overcoming_Discouragement.mp3
07/26/15 Jerusalem Church, A Case of Doubt Adonis Bailey Sermon N/A Sun PM JERUSALEM_CHURCH_A_case_of_doubt.mp3
07/26/15 Cornelius, A Case of Different Adonis Bailey Sermon N/A Sun AM CORNELIUS_a_case_of_different.mp3
07/19/15 Parable of the Sower #2 Adonis Bailey Sermon N/A Sun PM PARABLE_OF_THE_SOWER_2.mp3
07/19/15 Parable of the Sower #1 Adonis Bailey Sermon N/A Sun AM PARABLE_OF_THE_SOWER_1.mp3
07/19/15 What Will A Man Give In Exchange For His Soul? Adonis Bailey Sermon N/A Sun PM IMPORTANT_BIBLE_QUESTIONS_What_will_a_man_give_in_exchange_for_his_soul.mp3 Important_Bible_Questions_What_Will_a_Man_Give_in_Exchange_For_His_Soul.pptx
07/12/15 Trials and Temptations Nathan Turnage Sermon N/A Sunday TRIALS_AND_TEMPTATIONS_Nathan_Turnage.mp3
06/28/15 Handling God's "No" Adonis Bailey Sermon N/A Sun PM HANDLING_GODS_NO.mp3

Displaying 441 - 460 of 739

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