

Preaching from the Bible alone.

We believe in the absolute authority of the word of God and its ability to provide answers for everything we do in our doctrine and practice.

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Displaying 401 - 420 of 739

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
01/17/16 Giving and the Christian Jerry Fite Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting Giving_and_the_Christian.mp3
01/17/16 The Importance of Attendance Jerry Fite Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting The_Importance_of_Attendance.mp3
01/15/16 "Shod Your Feet With the Preparation of the Gospel" Jerry Fite Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting Shod_Your_Fee_With_The_Preparation_of_the_Gospel.mp3
01/15/16 Multiple Causes for Divorce Jerry Fite Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting Multiple_Causes_for_Divorce.mp3
01/14/16 The Roman Road to Salvation Jerry Fite Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting The_Roman_Road_to_Salvation.mp3
01/13/16 How Serious is Sin? Jerry Fite Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting How_Serious_is_Sin.mp3
01/13/16 Mental Divorce Jerry Fite Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting Mental_Divorce.mp3
01/12/16 Is the church of Christ a cult? Jerry Fite Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting Is_the_church_of_Christ_a_cult.mp3
01/12/16 The Sanctity of Marriage Jerry Fite Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting The_Sanctity_of_Marriage.mp3
01/11/16 Submission and the Christian Jerry Fite Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting Submission_and_the_Christian.mp3
12/20/15 "The Christmas Story" Adonis Bailey Sermon N/A Sun AM THE_CHRISTMAS_STORY.mp3
12/20/15 Joseph the Levite Adonis Bailey Sermon N/A Sun PM JOSEPH_THE_LEVITE.mp3
12/13/15 Attitudes Needed For Doing the Lord's Work #3 Adonis Bailey Sermon N/A Sun AM ATTITUDES_NEEDED_3.mp3
12/13/15 Attitudes Needed For Doing the Lord's Work #4 Adonis Bailey Sermon N/A Sun PM Attitudes_Needed_4.mp3
12/06/15 Attitudes Needed For Doing the Lord's Work #2 Adonis Bailey Sermon N/A Sun PM ATTITUDES_NEEDED_12-6-15_PM.mp3
11/29/15 Giving Back to God Jesse Vaughan Sermon N/A Sun AM GIVING_BACK_TO_GOD.mp3
11/22/15 Take Heed or Fall Colbert Turney Sermon N/A Sun AM TAKE_HEED_OF_FALL.mp3
11/22/15 Iron Chariots Matthew Vaughan Sermon N/A Sun PM IRON_CHARIOTS.mp3
11/15/15 United in Spite of Differences 2 Adonis Bailey Sermon N/A Sun AM UNITED_IN_SPITE_OF_DIFFERENCES_II.mp3
11/15/15 Is My Faith Authentic? Adonis Bailey Sermon N/A Sun PM IS_MY_FAITH_AUTHENTIC.mp3

Displaying 401 - 420 of 739

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