

Preaching from the Bible alone.

We believe in the absolute authority of the word of God and its ability to provide answers for everything we do in our doctrine and practice.

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
08/02/17 Restore Us Again Bruce Reeves Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting restore_us_again_revised.pptx 06_Restore_Us_Again.mp3
08/02/17 Learning From the Temptation of Christ Bruce Reeves Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting The_Temptations_00003226_AsShown-1.ppt 10_Learning_From_the_Temptation_of_Christ-1501722003.mp3
08/02/17 Learning From the Temptation of Christ Bruce Reeves Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 10_Learning_From_the_Temptation_of_Christ.mp3
08/01/17 Are You Looking For the New Testament Church? Bruce Reeves Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting Are_You_Looking_For_The_NT_Church_revised.pptx 05_Are_You_Looking_For_the_New_Testament_Church.mp3
07/31/17 Understanding Baptism Bruce Reeves Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting Understanding_Baptism_revised_Russellville.ppt 04_Understanding_Baptism.mp3
07/31/17 Seven Witnesses of the Son of God Bruce Reeves Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting The_Incarnation.ppt 09_Seven_Witnesses_of_the_Son_of_God.mp3
07/30/17 The Rock of Our Refuge: Reading the Psalms Bruce Reeves Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting Rock_of_Refuge.ppt 01_The_Rock_of_Our_Refuge.mp3
07/30/17 Do This In Remembrance of Me Bruce Reeves Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting The_Lords_Supper_do_this_in_remembrance_of_me__Lectures_2017.pptx 02_Do_This_In_Remembrance_of_Me.mp3
07/30/17 Abraham's Journey of Faith Bruce Reeves Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting Abrahams_faith_staggered_not.ppt 03_Abrahams_Journey_of_Faith.mp3
05/14/17 Does God Care How We Dress? #2 Adonis Bailey Sermon N/A Sun PM GOD_DOES_CARE_HOW_WE_DRESS_II.mp3
05/07/17 Does God Care How We Dress? Adonis Bailey Sermon N/A Sun PM DOES_GOD_CARE_HOW_WE_DRESS.mp3
03/31/17 The Preacher's Duties Colbert Turney Sermon N/A Sun PM The_Preachers_Duties.mp3
03/19/17 Christian Responsibilities Colbert Turney Sermon N/A Sun AM CHRISTIAN_RESPONSiBILITIES.mp3
03/12/17 Why We Fail As Watchmen Adonis Bailey Sermon N/A Sun PM WHY_WE_FAIL_AS_WATCHMAN.mp3
03/12/17 Why We Fail As Watchmen Adonis Bailey Sermon N/A Sun PM
03/12/17 Two Problems With Baptism Adonis Bailey Sermon N/A Sun AM TWO_PROBLEMS_WITH_BAPTISM.mp3
03/05/17 Three Losses Adonis Bailey Sermon N/A Sun PM THREE_LOSSES.mp3
03/05/17 The Greatness of Heaven Adonis Bailey Sermon N/A Sun AM THE_GREATNESS_OF_HEAVEN.mp3
02/26/17 The Problem of Sin Adonis Bailey Sermon N/A Sun PM THE_PROBLEM_OF_SIN.mp3
02/26/17 The Tower of Babel Adonis Bailey Sermon N/A Sun AM THE_TOWER_OF_BABEL.mp3

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